Thursday, October 22, 2015

I made a nice friend today. 
I was lonely so I went outside to play sidewalk chalks.  I wore my clean t-shirt and my bolo tie and my cowboy boots so I would look approachable but I didn't wear my trousers because they don't readily lend themselves to the artistic experience. 
I arranged all the different colored chalks neatly on the lawn so other people could play with them.  I used the pink chalk and wrote a message in clear capital letters.
After a while a policeman came.  He showed me his badge and let me touch it.  He asked me all sorts of questions about myself.  That's how you get to know someone.  It was very good manners. 
His name is Officer Ditchburn.  His badge number is 1742.
I asked him if I could see him again and he reassured me that he will be keeping an eye on me and we might see lots of each other.  This was a good day.  I'm glad I made the effort to reach out to others.


  1. Officer Ditchburn sounds like a good guy.

  2. I could tell you a thing or two about so-called, self-styled "Officer Ditchburn". Officer Carpetburn more like it.

  3. My favourite interwebz post eva !
